Let's talk about the permit expediter and why do you need to know about it. Today's constantly changing building industry makes keeping up with code changes, jurisdictional regulations, and submission requirements a full-time job. Architects, contractors, and homebuilders can streamline and manage this process with Permit Studio, an industry-wide permit solution. The permit management services we offer are a great way to simplify the daunting permitting process and make it as quick, easy, and seamless as possible.
Navigating the intricate building permit process in major cities like Chicago can be daunting. That's where a Permit Expediter from Permit Studio steps in. A Permit Expediter is a professional who specializes in moving your Chicago Building Permits through the regulatory ordinance efficiently. From understanding the specifics of local building codes to communicating effectively with government officials, our team manages the nitty-gritty details, leaving you free to concentrate on your project.
Why do you need a Permit Expediter, you may ask? When you're undertaking a construction project, delays can be costly and stressful. Our Permit Expediting Services help prevent such delays by ensuring your applications are accurate, comprehensive, and processed timely. At Permit Studio, we've refined our Permit Management skills over numerous projects, which gives us the expertise to foresee potential pitfalls and handle them proactively. We are your Permit Expediter in Chicago who simplifies the complex process of securing Building Permits in Chicago, turning what could be a hurdle into a smooth step on your project's path to completion.
It can be a real pain trying to get a permit on your own, as most large projects can be costly. You can save money on those projects by ensuring that the permit process is done correctly by hiring building permit expediters.
The role of the building permit expediter is to help get permits through the building department. The primary function of building permit expediters is understanding local building codes and advising owners, architects, and engineers on how to speed up their project approvals. City officials and plan examiners will discuss blueprint revisions with building permit expediters at City Hall. Besides having extensive experience with permits and permits processes, our building permit expediters will also represent our clients in zoning, architectural review, and anything that needs to be done for a permit. Typically, a building permit expediter facilitates communication between the city's staff and the owner and their consultants.
When a homeowner is working with an architect, the architects will often hire a permit expediter. This helps to save money on the project when it comes to overhead costs. Instead of using a consultant, it is much easier to hire a permit expediter to help out with various things that come with getting a permit and in turn, the cost is passed onto their clients as a way to increase efficiency on a project. A building permit expediter works with hundreds of different municipal, county, and state entities in most cases. By obtaining a building permit expediter, the owner will have a unique point of view that will help guide the project's scope and cost. When you are on the side of someone with good relationships and familiarity with local officials and the permitting process, you are more likely to receive permits fast instead of taking months.
Code Consulting is now increasingly similar to expediting. Homeowners are increasingly accepting of Building Permit Expediters as professionals that can help reduce costs and reduce time.
How Much Does a Permit Expediter Cost
The prices of building permit expediters are usually based on the project or by the hour. Before the big housing bust, construction permit expediters served more as "paper pushers." They are multi-disciplined professionals. One or more real estate development certifications and experience interpreting building codes and zoning ordinances are essential qualifications for a good building permit expediter. Engineering, architects, and owners are increasingly hiring expeditors to fix complex issues like interpreting zoning code so that square footage can be added to an existing parcel or making sure that all the documents are in order so that the project can be submitted first time correctly. It is best to bring in the expediters as early as possible and assign them the role of helping anticipate design issues.
Before you hire an expediter, find out what they know about the City or County's process. In most cases, they perform minor research or due diligence on the property in question and should provide you with a small report about how long, what applications, and how much it will cost you to get your permit.
The Typical Cost of a Permit
1. The full service expediting package includes permit preparation and coordination with all parties, submitting to building departments, providing weekly status reports, obtaining permits, meeting with inspectors, providing weekly reports to clients, coordinating with building departments for issuance of certificates.
2. Our permit running services are available at a flat fee to submit the building permits to the building department. Obtaining permits and inspections are things that we assist you with for free. Permitting services are primarily offered to Architects and others who work in the building industry. This is a less expensive option for homeowners.
3. There is a service fee. Our assistance is perfect for small projects or just trying to get a permit independently and need some help filling out forms.
What Would I Need A Permit Expediter For?
An expediter can guide you and help you with the leg work needed so that you can quickly begin a construction project if you're struggling.
Their services include:
· Planning, zoning, and codes research
· Assist clients, building officials, and plan reviewers
· Reviews construction drawings to ensure they are constructed according to city ordinances and codes
· Before reviewing the jurisdictional materials for a project, analyze them
· Conduct pre-submission reviews in coordination with the city
Permit expeditors typically spend many years working with council members, city departments, and other government staff. The experience permit expediters have in handling various permit projects allows them to anticipate potential permits more effectively.
What Is The Difference Between a Permit Expeditor and Permit Management Company?
Some permit expediters do not offer comprehensive service. Their services cease once the paperwork has been filed with the local building department. These companies assist clients with filing paperwork, research, preparing plans that comply with local building codes, and double-checking every aspect of their application packages.
In addition to expediting the permit process, permit management companies help clients throughout the entire construction process. You can rely on us for smooth government coordination of your next project.
Our permit approval timeline is accurate. With this timeline, all documentation will be available to you. We make sure applications are submitted within the timeframe of our expediter estimates. Everything from research to permit retrieval falls under this category.
Permit Expediting Services Offer several benefits
There are many assets needed for every construction project. Funding for capital projects. Unprocessed materials. Workforce. The space.
All resources are essential, but time stands out as the most important.
Having to wait for paperwork to be filed, commission approval, or court orders to be issued grinds projects to a halt more quickly than other forms of bureaucracy.
Until local governments and zoning boards approve contractors, nothing moves forward
It's not impossible, though, to solve the problem.
Data collection, paperwork handling, permit filing, monitoring each stage of the permit approval process, and ultimately working towards a quick outcome from the tasks conducted by permit expeditors. In addition to initiating daily meetings with city officials and consultants, they travel to development sites to keep the process moving.
Contractors can remain focused on their jobs when permits for a project are obtained, and the City Hall permits have been obtained. Understanding local building codes is one of their specialties and providing advice on the fastest way to complete projects.
A permit expediter is an experienced professional familiar with City Hall procedures and rules. They make sure they meet all necessary steps, along with filing the correct paperwork. Taking blueprint revisions to plan examiners can be done with their knowledge of city officials. Also known as permit expediters, they represent their clients in zoning commissions, architectural reviews, and zoning adjustments.
Any contractor, architect, or engineer dealing with planning departments could find the process confusing, filled with rules, bylaws, procedures, and steps. It can feel like the whole process is planned to keep you occupied.
Spending a minimal amount of money up front to hire a permit expediter can often save you hassle - and perhaps months - down the road. If a permit expediter does their job right, they will tell you upfront it will take 60 days to complete the project. Anyone who claims to rush you through the process by cutting corners is selling you oceanfront property in Nevada.
Therefore, picking the right one is crucial. Often, expeditors are merely filer-waiters who file plans for an hourly fee and walk away until the process has been completed. Researching and preparing a case is essential for an expediter's clients.
In that way, waiting in line for two hours or attending a hearing doesn't quickly turn into a long process because the correct documents aren't presented.
The role of a comprehensive permit consultant in the digital age is to complete all required paperwork, provide a comprehensive review, analyze all municipal codes and zoning amendments to avoid delays, and manage the new electronic submission process. Keeping your job easy is our job.
How to Find A Permit Expediter?
Finding a trustworthy permit expeditor in Chicago can be a challenge. An expediter can handle your permit logistics for you by taking control of the paperwork. Choosing one should be based on trustworthiness and expertise.
What to Look for in a Permit Expeditor
You should be able to rely on your permit expediter to do these seven things. If they can't, find someone else.
1. Determine what the government requires for a project by contacting government agencies.
2. For agencies to review, you must submit the necessary documents.
3. Monitor the status of plans until approval is received or corrections are specified.
4. Resubmit the corrected plans to each agency after receiving approval from the client or architect.
5. Update the client on the status of plans until they are approved.
6. Collect all paperwork for the final approval sign-off.
What Permit Expediters Do During the Permit Application Process
Permitting begins with a consultation. To tailor our service to your needs, we will learn a little more about your unique project.
Conducting due diligence includes learning everything you can about the project and the municipality if any. In addition to providing a detailed research spreadsheet that outlines the area's requirements, we will estimate fees and provide an estimated review timeframe for your consideration.
The permit expediting specialists utilize the Quality Control phase of our permit management process to ensure that plans, applications and required paperwork comply with all requirements and any deficiencies are rectified. ,
All required documents must be assembled, completed, and processed accurately and efficiently before submission.
Maintain a close eye on the review and approval process, including communication and tracking throughout. In addition to providing weekly or bi-weekly status updates, we will ensure that your company and the applicable municipality or department continue to develop a meaningful relationship.
A permit's issuance or approval marks the end of our permit management service. In addition to the project approval letter, we will send you the necessary information and requirements for obtaining the permit via email. In addition to notifying contractors of what is needed, we will also keep a record of each project if needed again.
Our expediters have a wealth of experience in Chicago and the surrounding areas, with various experiences in the permit business. Despite the complexity of the plans, our permit coordinators are well equipped to read and comprehend them. During the plan review cycle, we will assist in facilitation and progress. To ensure projects move quickly and seamlessly through the cycle, we will share our market knowledge with clients.
With the help of a permit expediter, clients will save time and money and be freed up to handle other important aspects of the project.
Some land developers believe they can't get the proper permits to complete their projects on time when they deal with extremely tight deadlines. Having worked on many projects requiring expedited permits from both local and state municipalities, Permit Studio has acquired specialized knowledge of these situations and often assists clients in obtaining expedited permits for time-crunched projects.
Expediting a building permit is usually justified, even though the cost is roughly four times that of a standard review. There isn't much wiggle room with some timelines. However, it should also be noted that expedited building permits cannot always be guaranteed. A decision on an expedited review will be made based on county workloads and staffing levels.
Adding expedited permitting to our standard permitting process is very similar to what we do. In this case, however, we make sure local jurisdictions do their part within the timelines required to ensure time or money isn't wasted by not cooperating with the submittal and review processes.
The Permit Studio team will work tirelessly to help you complete a project on time and headache-free, no matter if you are starting the building permit process or just recently received a code violation notice for unpermitted work. Get more info about Chicago's new Building code.
Whether you're contacting us by phone or using our online contact form, you can further inquire about our services.